:'( Cry
I'm fed up, bored, uncomfortable and generally boooooooooooooo.
I cant tell you how much i want to have my baby. I love him so much, I just want it to be December and him be here. Being home alone all day is pants. I harldy see anyone,I have nothing but housework to do and I am usually uncomfortable or in pain. I feel like an airship crossed with a heffer with a map of Birmingham engraved on my belly. My back, legs and insides hurt and I'm constantly tired.
I sooooooo want Christmas to come and my baby be here. I'm sick of being miserable and being onmy own all day :( I'm soooo glad when Aaron comes home from work every day!
Thanks for all the blogging support
11:34 AM
Aw Emma sorry you are so uncomfortable etc.
All those hormones jiggling around prob doesn't help
Lots of love
Kt (sat next to u at tris and Lisa's wedding)
9:50 AM
Oh wow! Its a small world lol! Thanks for your comments, itmeans a lot when you're all hormonal lol! Sadly though i think Im about to get even more bored as my hips have got a lot worse :( boooo. I keep reminding ,yself it will all be worth it in the end! cant wait!!!
It was good to meet you, even if didnt realise it at the time xxx
10:23 AM
Ah I am a blonde head...Of course I know who you are...forgive me I seem to have a mental block, your the one I watched online dancing at darrens church and we took pics of our feet! Lol!
10:25 AM
tee hee
should have said - next to u at the wedding reception and...
took pics of our feet - yes!
11:19 AM
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