Roses are red
So Nicky just popped round on her way to church with a bunch of red roses for me. She wanted to cheer me up as Ive been under the weather and she is one of the priviledged Dudlians who knows I am pregnant. I havent quite let it slip up here yet and only a few know.
They are all being really nice to me because I have been unwell for a couple of weeks now but you know what...I feel like a big fraud. I mean I have actually been ill but I know some of the others have been too but they have been to church etc. I havent given up on everything this last couple of weeks but i have cried off a lot and I hate doing tht because I feel like Im letting folk down.
But Nicky is lovely and has taken on my PA duties for me this morning as well bless her.
Its back to work fo rme tomorrow and thats themain reason I have been in today. I want to conserve my energy for making it through as I am terrible being out of my house when im not feeling great. So please pray for me that I'll be ok and will be able to resume normal activities from no on :)
ah the joys of pregnancy!
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